Divestment: Week 2
8/21: First missed day due to last-minute travel arrangements, so I have to cite my plywood/medical device double disposal last week.
8/22: Gabriel García Márquez, Memories of My Melancholy Whores, left on a bench in Fuengirola, Spain.
8/23: Hoyle Classic Games CD ROM left on a trash receptacle in Málaga Airport. It was a waist-high platform with a recessed metal top on which some food wrappers and napkins were conspicuously not exploding.
8/24: Home improvement handbook left by a home inspector seven years ago. Nice guide, but never consulted. Trashed.
8/25: Blue school binder found in basement. Salvaged a tube of 0.5 mm lead from a pocket and trashed.
8/26: Sony Discman portable CD player. Quite scratched up but worked the last time I tried it, years ago. Left in a stairwell with a note reading "free."
8/27: Two packages of souvenir coasters. There are probably enough coasters in our house to decorate every corner of every flat piece of furniture. Trashed.
8/22: Gabriel García Márquez, Memories of My Melancholy Whores, left on a bench in Fuengirola, Spain.
8/23: Hoyle Classic Games CD ROM left on a trash receptacle in Málaga Airport. It was a waist-high platform with a recessed metal top on which some food wrappers and napkins were conspicuously not exploding.
8/24: Home improvement handbook left by a home inspector seven years ago. Nice guide, but never consulted. Trashed.
8/25: Blue school binder found in basement. Salvaged a tube of 0.5 mm lead from a pocket and trashed.
8/26: Sony Discman portable CD player. Quite scratched up but worked the last time I tried it, years ago. Left in a stairwell with a note reading "free."
8/27: Two packages of souvenir coasters. There are probably enough coasters in our house to decorate every corner of every flat piece of furniture. Trashed.